Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New 4th Generation IPod Touch from Apple

From my own point of view, I felt that this is the only potential product from Apple. From what I see, it basically gets most of the stuffs from IPhone 4G to build into Ipod Touch. I really hope Apple will create the two different model device to be different with each of their unique feature and functionality. I hope there will not be any failure flaws like the IPhone 4G. I will look forward to try this in store and post another time to express my opinion.

In a nutshell, iPod touch gets the following:
• FaceTime with front camera and rear video camera
• A4 chip
• 3-axis gyro
• iOS 4.1 with GameCenter
• Still camera and HD video recording, edit your videos with iMovie app (sold separately)
• Retina display (You can't even discern the pixels)
• New iPod touch is even thinner
• iPod touch: #1 portable game player in the world (outsells Nintendo and Sony portable game players combined)

Source Taken and Extract From: Apple Singapore and MacDailyNews

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