It is not easy to learn how to sign your very own signature, I'm also learning at the same time. Here are some tips on how to start.
- Get a piece of paper and practice doing your own signature. Try closing your eyes and sign your name the way you like it, and see how it looks.
- Make the First Letter of your first name large and the rest of your name small, do the same with your last name.
- Sign your name with a slant.
- Experiment with as many styles as you can.
- Go through all the different signatures and evaluate each one. Do you like it? Does it resemble you? Is it 'cool' enough?
- Once you've found one that you really like, practice it on another sheet of paper until you have it right.
- Be sure you are completely satisfied with your signature.
Source and Tips Taken: http://www.wikihow.com/Sign-a-Cool-Signature
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