Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gang Robbers in JB strikes again (as usual)

Dear Friends,

Its just not safe to go in JB even just a meter away from the customs. My friends always ask me to go in, but i decline them. Its not that I'm a coward, but its really too dangerous to go in just to have a good meal or something. Totally not worth it. I rather spend more within the island to have an enjoyable and worry-free life. For my friends who like to go there, please be careful and always stay alert and know how to handle it in a safe way when encountered.

Below is an article I read and extracted from HardwareZone for sharing:
今天傍晚6点这样~我和3个朋友正要从2楼的电扶梯下去走向天桥那里~突然有人从后面叫我们~我们就被拦住了~就恐吓我们~说我们瞪他~他后面有数个同伙~我们没办法跑~他就带我们去bus stop那里的mama挡“喝茶“他叫我们怎么解决事~1红包2吊水3单挑我们还小都怕~不敢出声他就说如果包红包一个人360块~没钱拿电话抵押~我们没办法~他就讲把电话关机~拿出sim卡~把电话给他晚上再来抵押~我们知道是azako可是也不敢反抗怕他身上有刀~只好乖乖照做~过后拿了电话~叫我们其中一个跟他去后面的建筑物~他还说记得来拿回电话==他跟他的同伙就跑了~他的特征:左手腕那边有纹一个蛮大的类似鬼火图案~右手有纹一个壁虎~有一个手指纹蜘蛛网~身高175这样~肤色白~牙齿烂~样子根本就吸白粉的~*他其中一个同伙斗鸡眼的~肤色棕褐色~请大家留意。。。如果也有碰过类似情况请说说看~最好可以找到那人捉起来

Source Taken:

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