Saturday, September 20, 2008

Working & Play Arcade

As usual, work and move computers. Nothing much to talk about the job here. After work, went to suntec and got myself a pair of jeans. Though I don't really like to go arcade, but didn't know that playing in arcade can be very addictive, especially the stackers machine at Suntec. I spent $20 on it, because I really wished to get that Playstation 3 ! Really feel like playing more, but $20 was really my maximum limit. But i think the machine is really bluffing people at the last stage. Really impossible to determine the correct time to hit. Argh ! But was indeed a fun experiences to release stress that I have all the while.


  1. Stackers is a fixed game .. U will not win the item unless there are at least like 600 credits spent on the machine ..

  2. Izzit? Damn it. I wasted so much !
