Monday, July 28, 2008

Singtel Student's Unlimited SMS

Today was a good fine day, when suddenly a massive SMS ATTACK !!! Haha, just over reacting. However, today one of my classmates was really very childish. As he subscribed under the Singtel's Student plan which entitled him to have 500 more free SMSes to Singtel users. So he abused and kept on spamming me "u suck" onto my handphone. Feeling that he was a small boy, i decided not to reply him anything as if I will to reply more, he will spam more. So therefore after about ten mnutes of massive SMS spam, he decided to stop. Haha. So I was thinking, what if someone got spammed by such people and Starhub was offering unlimited SMS for students, what can the person being spammed do? Report to the police? Or report to the phone service provider? Kindly leave your comments of this post and discuss.

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